Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This Ticks Me Off

 You are going to get to hear me rant just a little in this post. But, ranting for good reason is validated, right? I stumbled upon this political cartoon yesterday in one of my favorite conservative websites, Human Events. This picture is telling, to say the least, of what the media is calling “The War on Women.” What’s your initial impression of this drawing? To me, I see unborn, innocent children becoming casualties of this “so-called” battle on women. I think we are missing the bigger picture on this “war” the liberals and liberal media is waging, and the price of misinterpreting it is costly. 

 Don’t get me wrong – I am all for women’s rights. As a college graduate and independent woman living on her own in the nation’s capitol, I think it’s important for women to achieve their dreams. I am by no means advocating that women should be in the kitchen, outfitted in floral apron, making fried chicken and fixing sweet tea while barefoot and pregnant. Heck, I have a pressing job – one that requires late nights, early mornings and an additional cup of Joe to keep me going. However, I will never advocate murder under the guise of “The War on Women.” That’s deceptive. And, simply stated, that is exactly what liberals are doing.

I understand it – the right to choose. It’s my body, my choice. Gotcha. Rosie the Riveter is iconic. Believe me, I get it. Every human being should have the same opportunity, the same pathway paved to succeed and flourish to the fullest.  But, I cannot help from getting a huge lump in my throat thinking about the number of precious lives lost by the reckless and selfish philosophy pushed by liberals. Life begins at conception. It should be a black and white truth.

What happened to the biblical rooted phrase, “Every decision has a consequence?” Genesis states, “A man reaps what he sows.” Our Founders lived this way. They set America in motion on these principles. But, that’s right; our Founders were, after all, just white racist males. (This is not extreme. It’s what feminists and liberals claim). I never read Maureen Dowd – because when I do, I just get angry. This is what Ms. Dowd claimed in her recent New York Times editorial, Don’t Tred on Us,
“The attempt by Republican men to wrestle American women back into chastity belts has not only breathed life into President Obama, it has roused and riled Hillary. And that could turn out to be the most dangerous thing the wildly self-destructive G.O.P. leaders have done.”
 Do you think that’s absurd? I do. 

I was never under the impression that Republican men were trying to wrestle women back into chastity belts? Which, with that said, would be a tough challenge as it is – c’mon look around at the culture now! I just thought the GOP was all up in arms over the government (aka – the American taxpayer) paying for someone’s contraception and/or abortion pills AND the Obama Administration mandating this – regardless of religious conscience? I mean, correct me if I am wrong… 

There is a bigger picture here, and we would be completely misinformed to think this was JUST about women's rights. Take a look at this cartoon again. Can you really deny the reality etched in this illustration?

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