Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Like an Indian dancing before a fire

Every time I sit down and write, I want to compose a masterpiece. I want to stir the hearts of others and provide them some type of muse that will inspire their day. It’s an absolute delight to me knowing that my words can impact another’s heart and bring them closer to the Lord. 

However, I realized that I never just sat down and wrote straight to my emotions what I am feeling at the moment. Though I know there is no audience for this blog, I feel it’s my turn to sit down and write my feelings. I am typically a happy person. My personality is the half glass full type. I gather joy in the morning sunrises and feel great appreciation for the beautiful hues of the sky when the sun sets. Life is a joyous experience to me. 

Though met with hardships, life is a gift – given by the supreme maker of all.For the majority of my life, my constant companion has been Christ. He is the father to the fatherless and the strength to the weak. He has been the rock beneath my feet and my lantern when the days grow dim and dreary. 

When you are young, it’s easy to grasp the concept of an invisible friend. It’s even easier to carry on a conversation with someone you can’t see. However, when you get older – this relationship becomes more and more difficult. We ask questions like, where is God and why can’t I see him? I know he’s promised me blessings, but why do I feel like the wicked are being rewarded and I’m getting the shaft? 

Questions like these have baffled me. I’ve pondered these thoughts – and felt sorry for myself. I’ve tried to brush them under the rug and act like they don’t exist. But, everyone knows that retreating from a situation or completely ignoring it does not make the problem go away. I’ve come to the conclusion that all I can cling to is the truth. The Lord has promised us countless things in the Bible. He has stated that he will never leave us or forsake us. He has called us the apple of his eye. He has stated that though mourning may last for a night – joy comes in the morning. 

I have had my fair share of hardships and failures. I have sulked in pity and self-absorbent ways – but this has not helped. All this does is add gasoline to the already blazing fire in my stomach. In the end all the matters is Christ. He will always remain my friend through thick and thin. 

I recently read a speech which talked about liberal ideology verses that of the conservative philosophy.  The speech stressed the ultimate difference between liberals and conservatives was that liberals associate themselves with groups, whereas, conservatives place emphasis in the individual. 

One of the most important things I’ve learned in my life is that my relationship with God is my own. It’s not my mothers or my fathers. It is my own intimate personal relationship. God talks to me and reveals his truth to me through his promises written in red. What he says to me is my charge. 

A warrior in God’s battle for truth, I will march always to the sound of his voice. It annoys me when I hear preacher’s make light of hearing God’s voice. You know, he may not speak like a siren in your ear – but sometimes it’s a little louder than you think. He moves in hearts, minds and souls. The Bible states that he comes to you in a small, quiet voice. Part of me thinks that true only if you’ve been quenching the spirit. I want God to speak to me always in a resounding gong like manner. I want to know his voice and walk in it. Like an Indian dancing before a fire, I want to dance before my God and reflect his glory through my life!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


It’s not my aim to write political posts on here, but the sheer arrogance of our President has been gnawing at my conscience today. Just last week, he made a big announcement – stating that he does, in fact, support same-sex marriage. I wouldn’t say this was a total shock to anyone in the country. Since the beginning, Obama has taken a defiant stance on radical liberal ideology. I think most Americans were just too dumb to see it for what it was – a front, a façade, a campaign speech.

His ideals were masked with words like hope, change and believe. These magical words usually make an appearance around Christmastime – in the form of a jolly man with a red suit. And, kids – don’t read this bit - he's fictional. However, I probably should scold myself for saying “Christmas” doesn’t the current administration prefer us to use the PC term “holiday”?  Can we be so ignorant to let this amateur man literally flip this country upside down? Although, I did not contribute to this mess - I'm ashamed.

Our Commander-in-Chief was on “The View” this morning yucking it up with Whoppi Goldberg and Joy Behar. Gag me. They were quizzing him on pop culture topics like Kim Kardshian and sex books. It’s fair to say, his campaign arranged this media spot this morning because of the current polls which show that Mitt Romney is winning the woman vote in this election. 

When I was little I envisioned the United States President standing in all honor and esteem. He was knowledgeable and serious. He answered the press, but did not answer to them. He valued the roots of this country and the founders that gave us our freedom. Their blood and sacrifice was respected. 

Is it just me – or has this country’s highest office been desecrated?  It honestly makes me sick to my stomach. Like safety seals, the Obama Administration is rapidly ripping off our covering. We are ever so slowly being exposed to elements that will not just scratch us – they will destroy us. 

I pray Americans will wake from their slumber this November and vote – not just a talking head into our highest office. But, that they will elect a leader – one they trust with their well being and the future of their families.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Rep. Michele Bachmann

Me and Michele Bachmann

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Human Life

There are so many pressing issues to discuss like the fate of this nation, our President politicizing the assassination of Osama bin Laden, Rep. Michele Bachmann’s recent endorsement of Mitt Romney and the Wall Street Journal blog that notes – the jobs picture isn’t pretty.  I could rattle off a book giving you my opinions on this subject matter. Can write you talking points – we are on a cliff headed for ruin, we must stop spending money we don’t have, the state of the economy reflects the type of leadership we have set in place…etc.  And I believe these points wholeheartedly. However, with all the hustle and bustle, media hype and bleak economic woes, it’s sometimes difficult to concentrate on one of the most beautiful topics – human life. 

I scan the news most every day. OK – not most every day – every day. When you work in a job, centered on communication, it’s vital to know your current events. While I was going through my daily routine this morning, stumbled upon an editorial, written by a brilliant conservative pundit and ABC News commentator, George Will. Though, I did not know what the story was about – the title pulled me in, “Jon Will’s Gift.” Being a typical sentimental girl and a sucker for stories that wrench your heart, I had to read it. Found myself crying and pondering, why? 
George Will’s son, Jon, was born with down-syndrome. The oldest of his children, his 40th birthday is tomorrow. Mr. Will notes that the things that have enhanced his son’s life are the DC subway system and the Nationals baseball team. He writes, 
"He navigates the subway expertly, riding it to the Nationals ballpark, where he enters the clubhouse a few hours before game time and does a chore or two. The players, who have climbed to the pinnacle of a steep athletic pyramid, know that although hard work got them there, they have extraordinary aptitudes because they are winners of life’s lottery. Major leaguers, all of whom understand what it is to be gifted, have been uniformly and extraordinarily welcoming to Jon, who is not.”
 I’m sure many pro-choice advocates would not be too pleased with this piece. They would think, “Why should a little boy – sentenced to a life of constant supervision live? He can’t reach his full potential.” I bet his parents would argue with that statement. It’s a selfish question. If you believe that God is the one who creates, in fact, ordains life – wouldn’t he have a purpose behind the life of every individual? I can imagine Jon is thankful for his life. I’m sure Jon has blessed countless individuals with his innocent demeanor and perpetual smile. Jon’s life counts – his life is precious. Every life is valued. It’s a gift from the maker of all. I always meditate on Psalm 139:13.
 “For you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
He is fearfully and wonderfully made. My mom would always tell me growing up – God didn’t create junk. All the works of God’s hands are marvelous.

George Will with children. Jon (left). 

Maybe the question is not, “why?” Maybe just maybe we should relish in the simplicity of life – the living breathing moments. Maybe we should not question the divine, but learn to thank God for the gifts he has given us.  Like Jeremiah, the prophet of old, we should realize,
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”
 To me, Jon’s outlook is the purest of them all. God has set him apart for a reason. And, he is the one who can truly see through the unobstructed lenses of life.