Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Great Morning Walk

Every morning - Dallas and I wake up and go on a little walk around my Capitol Hill neighborhood. Without fail, he lays in bed until I decide to get up. This morning it was about 6:30am - when we hit the block. 

Dallas is always so excited when I put on my workout clothes - complete with a disheveled bun and a make-up free face. He calmly sits by the door when I pull out his leash. And looks so proud when I fasten the buckle to his collar. 

It's basically fall in Washington, DC though there are multiple flowers sprinkled throughout yards - the weather is brisk and the morning air is cool on my face. (Have to wear a sweatshirt). Love the fall - it's my favorite season by far. I'm definitely ready for a pumpkin spice latte!

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