Tuesday, May 15, 2012


It’s not my aim to write political posts on here, but the sheer arrogance of our President has been gnawing at my conscience today. Just last week, he made a big announcement – stating that he does, in fact, support same-sex marriage. I wouldn’t say this was a total shock to anyone in the country. Since the beginning, Obama has taken a defiant stance on radical liberal ideology. I think most Americans were just too dumb to see it for what it was – a front, a façade, a campaign speech.

His ideals were masked with words like hope, change and believe. These magical words usually make an appearance around Christmastime – in the form of a jolly man with a red suit. And, kids – don’t read this bit - he's fictional. However, I probably should scold myself for saying “Christmas” doesn’t the current administration prefer us to use the PC term “holiday”?  Can we be so ignorant to let this amateur man literally flip this country upside down? Although, I did not contribute to this mess - I'm ashamed.

Our Commander-in-Chief was on “The View” this morning yucking it up with Whoppi Goldberg and Joy Behar. Gag me. They were quizzing him on pop culture topics like Kim Kardshian and sex books. It’s fair to say, his campaign arranged this media spot this morning because of the current polls which show that Mitt Romney is winning the woman vote in this election. 

When I was little I envisioned the United States President standing in all honor and esteem. He was knowledgeable and serious. He answered the press, but did not answer to them. He valued the roots of this country and the founders that gave us our freedom. Their blood and sacrifice was respected. 

Is it just me – or has this country’s highest office been desecrated?  It honestly makes me sick to my stomach. Like safety seals, the Obama Administration is rapidly ripping off our covering. We are ever so slowly being exposed to elements that will not just scratch us – they will destroy us. 

I pray Americans will wake from their slumber this November and vote – not just a talking head into our highest office. But, that they will elect a leader – one they trust with their well being and the future of their families.

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